Elementary school Franjo Krežma is located in the very center of Osijek and it is attended by pupils
from 6 to 14 years of age (from the 1st to the 8th grade), from all parts of the town. There are 310
students in 16 grades, and 34 teachers and associates, teaching various subjects according to the
national educational curriculum. Our school is successful in many areas, such as computer science,
robotics, geography, chemistry, foreign languages, sport, drama group, school choir, cooking, hiking,
ecology. All this can be confirmed by numerous acknowledgements and awards from local, regional,
national and international workshops, exhibitions and competitions. All of our pupils learn English or
German language from the first grade and some pupils attend extracurricular classes of Hungarian
language. Our vision is the quality development and modernization of the school with new, creative
methods and approaches for strengthening the educational process and developing the European,
intercultural dimension of our school with a purpose of positive changes, well-being and success of
pupils, and the recognition and competitiveness of the school in the city. For us it is important to
increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the school, the quality and professionalism of the
staff and to emphasize the international dimension of our institution. By learning other models of
education and professional training of teachers and examples of good practice, we will be able to
apply innovations in our environment. New motivational methods will enhance the development of life
skills, mental and physical health, awareness of environment and ecology, critical thinking, research
spirit and belonging to European cultural heritage with the aim of developing the highest personal
potential and competences essential for success. Thus we will make teaching and learning more
attractive and creative and this will enable students to compete in the European educational context.
Joining and participating European projects, as this one, would offer our pupils and our teachers new
dimensions of communication, learning and teaching by developing motivation for practical and
lifelong learning to its full potential. The key people of the project are Mario Jager, history teacher and
the author of numerous scientific articles and Stanislava Kuharski, English and German language
teacher, MA in Glotodidactics, Personal Development Trainer. Both teachers have good
organizational and communicational skills and they can contribute to the quality coordination and
implementation of this project. In addition, both teachers have participated in the previous Erasmus +
K1 project. Our school is technologically highly equipped and its level of ICT- teaching is high, so we
can contribute a lot to these projects activities, which many needs ICT-skills. In addition our teachers
have wide education in different fields of training, so we can offer many different ideas for this
from 6 to 14 years of age (from the 1st to the 8th grade), from all parts of the town. There are 310
students in 16 grades, and 34 teachers and associates, teaching various subjects according to the
national educational curriculum. Our school is successful in many areas, such as computer science,
robotics, geography, chemistry, foreign languages, sport, drama group, school choir, cooking, hiking,
ecology. All this can be confirmed by numerous acknowledgements and awards from local, regional,
national and international workshops, exhibitions and competitions. All of our pupils learn English or
German language from the first grade and some pupils attend extracurricular classes of Hungarian
language. Our vision is the quality development and modernization of the school with new, creative
methods and approaches for strengthening the educational process and developing the European,
intercultural dimension of our school with a purpose of positive changes, well-being and success of
pupils, and the recognition and competitiveness of the school in the city. For us it is important to
increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the school, the quality and professionalism of the
staff and to emphasize the international dimension of our institution. By learning other models of
education and professional training of teachers and examples of good practice, we will be able to
apply innovations in our environment. New motivational methods will enhance the development of life
skills, mental and physical health, awareness of environment and ecology, critical thinking, research
spirit and belonging to European cultural heritage with the aim of developing the highest personal
potential and competences essential for success. Thus we will make teaching and learning more
attractive and creative and this will enable students to compete in the European educational context.
Joining and participating European projects, as this one, would offer our pupils and our teachers new
dimensions of communication, learning and teaching by developing motivation for practical and
lifelong learning to its full potential. The key people of the project are Mario Jager, history teacher and
the author of numerous scientific articles and Stanislava Kuharski, English and German language
teacher, MA in Glotodidactics, Personal Development Trainer. Both teachers have good
organizational and communicational skills and they can contribute to the quality coordination and
implementation of this project. In addition, both teachers have participated in the previous Erasmus +
K1 project. Our school is technologically highly equipped and its level of ICT- teaching is high, so we
can contribute a lot to these projects activities, which many needs ICT-skills. In addition our teachers
have wide education in different fields of training, so we can offer many different ideas for this